Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Senior Prank!

Hi y'all!! It's been super busy in CT for it's the last week of real school! I had skip day on Monday, prank day on Tuesday, and I have an exam on Friday. So, I thought I would show y'all some of the pictures from setting up our senior prank on Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Our theme was "End of the World" because the Mayans predicted that the world would end in 2012. Since we're the class of 2012, it seemed like an appropriate theme!

One of our "lounge-rooms" is getting demolished, so we graffitied it!

For some reason, our class has had an unusual amount of students leave, whether it be at the end of the year or in the middle of the year. So, we made "Amber Alert" posters about them and posted them around the school!

All of our bad tests and quizzes from senior spring...

Obstacle courses...

We put a watermark on hundreds of sheets of paper saying "Property of the Class of 2012"!

The BEST part of the prank was that we built a trampoline in the cafeteria! 

We signed all of our names on the graffitied wall...

And I parked my car in the school amphitheater!

Yay Class of 2012! Love y'all!

Also, on a great note, I got asked to prom today! Woo hoo!

Have a great day!!

xoxo, Hannah